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Writer's pictureSoupSteele

Whatever Happens, Love Stays

Hello loves!

There's no getting around it-- a lot has happened in the last few weeks. And I don't mean a lot has happened in my life personally (though that is true). I mean just in general, there has been a ton of changes happening in life for literally everyone on the planet.

And if I can be honest, a concerning majority of the changes and events seem to be extremely negative. Like a lot of the "Breaking News", "This Just In", "We Have An Important Update" headlines seem to be followed by things that make you want to curl into a ball and never leave your house again.

Sure, some of this is due to the fact that "news" and media companies know horrifying catastrophes generate more clicks and try to push those stories the most. But recently, it's just starting to seem like there really is an uneven amount of bad happening compared to anything good. I know everyone is feeling it-- how can you not? It's everywhere you look, after all.

The chaotic, bad changes are everywhere and they seem to be coming rapid fire with no breaks in sight.

It's like we've been thrown into a poorly-written Netflix original series that's all plot and no filler. (A short definition: Filler refers to the episodes that have characters doing silly, unimportant side quests that usually give them some much-needed breaks from the intense plot) I think we're all at the point where we just want one second going by without any historical moment erupting in the process.

Not to mention all the vast and personal changes happening in people's day-to-day. Combine that with the never-ending chaos in the world and it's downright exhausting.

I know we've all heard some variation of the phrase "There is nothing permanent except change." It's attributed to the Greek Philosopher Heraclitus, who is known for his belief in The Doctrine of Flux. Aka, the belief "that Change is not only necessary but is the very nature of the universe."

Heraclitus Weeping

Heraclitus and similar thinkers refer to nature as proof of this. The natural world is full of change; we went from Pangea to Seven Continents, Dinosaurs being the Apex predator to them now being used as fuel, and natural disasters such as forest fires, tsunamis, and twisters leave trails of change in their wake. When you look at the grand scheme of it, Change does seem to be the only constant.

So why is it so scary? Why are we, and honestly every other creature alive, so against Change?

I'm sure there's a lot of actual, psychological explanations for this, but I have my own theory. I think people aren't actually scared of Change itself. After all, some Change can be really good and even exciting. Some Changes we know will only last for a little bit of time. But the one thing all Change has in common, and what I think is the true fear, is the Unknown.

Fear of the Unknown is probably the oldest fear in humanity. Almost every other fear-- like fear of the dark, fear of open water, the Uncanny Valley-- can be traced back to a Fear of the Unknown. It stands to reason we're averse to Change for the same reason we all instinctually don't like looking down pitch-black hallways.

It's not the dark, it's what could be in the dark. It's not Change, it's what could happen in the Change.

When everything seems to be changing and our mind is swarmed with countless Unknown futures waiting in a dim void, what is there to do? Some staunchly oppose Change and build walls of fear and hate to protect themselves. Others try to take advantage of and manipulate Change and think if they run it far enough, eventually they'll have some control.

But Change is one of those overpowering forces like the ocean. No wall can keep it out forever and good luck if you try to lasso a tidal wave.

So what do we do? Just hold our breath and hope for the best?

Yes. And no.

See, as much as I agree with Heraclitus about Change being constant, I don't think it's the only permanent thing around us.

Sure money, health, politics, countries, etc all come and go like fashion and diet trends. But I think the one thing that is always there, the one thing that can be a buoy in a stormy sea of Change is Love.

Love has always been there, since the Creation of man.

Love has carried people through the darkest moments in the world and was celebrated in some of the brightest.

Love gives people strength to face the Unknown, to brace themselves for Change, and to come out the other side.

The opposite of Love isn't Hate; it's indifference. Having a heart full of indifference will make you lose hope. And without any hope, without that burning reason to live another day despite all the Changes around you, then what is the reason to go on?

If you have no Love for others around you, for the planet you live on, for your talents and hobbies, or for yourself, then of course the Changes in life will be overwhelming.

But with Love, you'll make it through. No matter how bad it can get, no matter how scary and chaotic and dark the world can seem, you can keep your head above it as long as you don't lose hope.

As long as you don't lose love.

There are enough "love conquers all" songs and "power of friendship" stories to make it seem cheesy, I know. But the fact that there are enough stories and songs and poems throughout human history to make this feel overplayed is telling.

No matter what happens in life, the love you shared and the love you received will always be there. Nothing can ever take that away.

Love y'all <3

"Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony." -Colossians 3:14

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